Making pancakes on a Monday morning is not necessarily the most convenient thing to do in practice but if on a Sunday night – you also dread the morning rush and lack of comfort in bleak early hours, then make the mixture and leave it over night. It makes them taste better and your Monday’s will no longer be so mournful.

millet, cinnamon, flour, pancakes, maple, syrup, honey, molasses, gluten, free, dairy, free, breakfast

I used millet this time mostly because of it’s nutritional value (and by putting it in pancakes I can get my fiancé to eat healthier), a single serving has 15 percent of your daily allowance of Iron, and from someone who tries to avoid red meat for IBS like myself; its very good. Secondly, in my opinion it’s the flour that tastes the most like wheat, which is always a bonus for us gluten-free types. You can read more about Mr Millet here: Millet Flour

Anyway, so – eat millet pancakes on a Monday morning so you a) have more energy, and feel fuller for longer b) feel less guilty about all the honey/maple syrup you drizzle on and c) feel happier before popping off to work.

What more can I say.


millet,cinnamon, flour, pancakes, maple, syrup, honey, molasses, gluten, free, dairy, free, breakfast

Monday mourn’ Millet, Cinnamon, and Molasses pancakes.

[Substitution notes: You can replace the Millet flour with All purpose Gluten free flour blend and take out the Xanthan Gum. Half Sorghum and Half Buckwheat works brilliantly too. If you avoid dairy, I would imagine rice milk would be a good substitute with a few tablespoons of vegetable oil.)

1 and 1/4 cups (190g) of Millet flour

¼ cup (40g) of corn flour

 1 heaped teaspoon of baking powder

Teaspoon of sea salt

Teaspoon of Xanthan gum

2 Teaspoons of Cinnamon

1 teaspoons of molasses

2 eggs

2 cups of milk and tablespoon of yoghurt – (I tried using all yoghurt but it turned out far too stodgy)

Honey and cinnamon to taste

Mix dry ingredients, and I mean really mix well, you want all that baking powder and corn flour to work.

Mix the molasses in with the milk and yoghurt. Molasses is very much like sugary tar and you need to keep stirring until your milk turns brown and your spoon comes out somewhat clean.

Fold in the eggs into the dry ingredients until it forms dough.

Fold in the milk, yoghurt and molasses mixture little by little until well combined.

Heat a griddle or a frying pan with a very heavy bottom with some butter.

When on a moderate heat add a dollop of the pancake mixture. (These pancakes will burn quickly so a moderate heat for a longer amount of time is better than a very hot heat!)

Flip as soon as one side has browned completely.

Serve with lots of honey, butter and a sprinkling of sugar.

Let me know if you had a good Monday after 🙂

Sarah x