I sit here writing a summer recipe and it’s pouring with rain outside. Typical British Summertime.

It’s important for us Brits to understand that our summer is simply always late, and when it does burst through- it will still tend to chop and change between the rain and the wind and -occasional hail we’ve been having sometimes recently. Still i’m thankful that a few of my strawberry plants have fruited in the garden, we did manage a few weeks of sunshine so they kicked into gear- which is nice.

Strawberries, apple, galette

With the weather in mind, who has the time to slave in the kitchen – making the nice summer dessert for the family when you would just rather be outside enjoying the sunshine? This recipe is for you. We must take advantage of every opportunity of sunshine in the U.K, and even if there are still a few clouds out- we will inevitably still make that BBQ happen.

Gluten Free, Strawberry, Apple,Vanilla Bean, Galette

This recipe for a Gluten Free Strawberry, Apple and Vanilla galette came initially from sifting through the pantry for ingredients- as well as having the strawberries on hand.

Gluten Free, Strawberry, Apple,Vanilla Bean, Galette

The vanilla pod was a lucky surprise… lurking back in the cupboard, i’d forgotten about this gem of an ingredient. After deseeding – it makes the most wonderful aromatic for keeping in your sugar jar.

You can always make your own Gluten Free pastry- see my ‘how-to’ here  – but if the suns out, grab out that frozen gluten free pastry and go and enjoy the sun while it defrosts!

Gluten Free, Strawberry, Apple,Vanilla Bean, Galette

Gluten Free Strawberry, Apple and Vanilla Bean Galette

Serves 4-6

350g Strawberries

1 Small Cox Apple

1 Tablespoon of Cornflour

1 Vanilla Pod, deseeded.

70g Granulated or Caster Sugar

1 Egg Yolk

Gluten Free flour/rice flour for rolling pastry.

1, 2 x 200g pack of Gluten Free Shortcrust Pastry – (I used the DS one)

 Preheat the oven to 200 degrees C.

Prepare the filling by chopping each strawberry into thirds and finely slicing the apple- you can keep the skin on if you prefer. Place the fruit into a medium sized bowl.

Add the cornstarch, vanilla seeds and half the sugar to the bowl. Give it all a good mix and set aside.

Sprinkle down some gluten free flour onto a large piece of parchment paper. Roll out your first 200g of pastry into one square – i would go for a measurement that will fit your baking tray – just under the thickness of a £1 coin. Roll out the second 200g of pastry on a separate piece of parchment paper with some gluten free flour sprinkled on it. Once you’ve rolled this one, carefully lift it up and flip it over to lay directly on top of the other rolled out square. You should have two layers of pastry, this will help stop any leakage from the fruits in the oven.

Score out a circle (i pressed the bottom of a serving plate) into the pastry and begin the lay flat the slices of apple followed by the strawberry within this circle.

The next bit is not flawless- rustic is the key! fold over all the sides gently around and over the filling, leaving the centre mostly exposed. If any bits break off- do not worry- patch this later with some egg or milk wash.

Once you’ve gone round all your sides with the pastry, get a small pastry brush and coat it with some egg yolk.

Sprinkle the entire galette with the remaining sugar.

Pop the galette into the preheated oven for 25-30 minutes. At around the 20 minute mark you should check on it and add some more egg wash for the remaining 10 minutes.

Remove from the oven to cool completely.

Gluten Free, Strawberry, Apple,Vanilla Bean, Galette

Serve heated or cold with a dollop of creme fraiche or naughty vanilla ice cream. Clotted cream works a treat too!