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Lunchtime is one of the hardest meals to plan for me and although it’s really simple at the end of the day – salads, gluten free sandwiches…

gluten free, falafel, kale, salad

…I get sick of having gluten free bread every day at lunch and then after, looking at the hefty paragraph of ingredients on the back of the packet. It’s really quite off-putting but when you’re looking for convenience it just works every time.

gluten free, falafel, kale, salad

I picked up some of these gluten free falafels from ‘Great Food‘ and potted around the garden picking out anything that looked worth cooking with, spring onions and kale were in abundance- and still are.

gluten free, falafel, kale, salad

With all salads must be a tasty dressing so i pushed by focus here on making something classic and i hope you’ll find it as tasty as i do. I guess you could call- and use it as a dip really but it’s now become one of these easiest things to make and keep in the fridge!

gluten free, falafel, kale, salad

Gluten Free Falafel & Crispy Kale Salad with Paprika, Sour Cream & Chive Dressing.

Serves 1

The Salad:

Homemade or Shop Bought Gluten Free Falafels x 4

I Small Gem Lettuce

3 small stems of Kale cut into small bits (see pics)

Extra Virgin Olive Oil


The Dressing/ Dip

Squeeze of lemon juice

3 Heaped Tbps Sour Cream

1 tbp of Paprika

1 Chive chopped


Prepare your dressing/dip! Put all the ingredients in a small bowl and give it a good mix, put it in the fridge to keep cool!

I prefer my falafel heated with this salad. Heat the oven to 200dc. Pop the falafel onto a baking tray on one side with the kale on the other. Coat the Kale with a dash of olive oil and salt and pepper and pop into the oven for 5- 10 mins. Keep an eye on the kale- you don’t want it to burn and it turns crispy very quickly!

Prepare the base of the salad in a bowl, chop your gem lettuce and dress this with some extra virgin olive oil or rapeseed works well too.

Get your falafel and kale out of the oven and evenly distribute on the lettuce, scatter over some of the dressing and it’s all ready to eat!

gluten free, falafel, kale, salad

What’s your favourite gluten free lunchtime salad to make? Tweet me at @wbites!